To inspire, empower, educate & employ
women of all ages & backgrounds in the film & tv industries

Here's a cool thing!
Artemisia's Daughters made a short film in collaboration with
The Hebe Foundation
Click the button below for all the info

As female artists and creatives we stand on the shoulders of the women who have created before us. None is a more powerful and inspiring example than Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi. We want to empower, inspire and educate women, young and old & from all backgrounds to get involved in filmmaking.
We believe the dearth of female directors, producers cinematographers, composers, first assistant directors, art directors, sound recordists & designers and many other heads of departments is because of lack of knowledge and little to no encouragement. The result being, young women coming up in the industry are not seeing enough examples of successful female filmmakers.
Here are resources to network and market filmmaking skills as well as ways to train and learn more about the industry.
We began our work in early 2020 just before the pandemic so in-person workshops, competitions and inspiring talks by successful women in the industry had to wait for a bit.
We did however shoot our very first short film (I HAVE A STORY) & our podcast FIERCE FEMALE FILMMAKERS has had some amazingly inspiring women as guests. It serves as an archive for anyone wanting to find out the ins and outs of each department - told by the women who work there.
In the meantime we are raising awareness and funds to create opportunities for women in the future. We are asking for any and all who want to get involved to subscribe to our mailing list. ​
And ~ If you are a filmmaker and have something to contribute in any way ~
You can donate money (always appreciated). If you are a professional in the film or television industry and could donate your time and expertise to an interview on our podcast...
We'd love to hear from you.

Projects in the works
a podcast
An archive of conversations with women working in all areas of the film & TV industries

Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 - 1654) is one of the most celebrated Baroque artists of the 17th century. Born in Rome in 1593, her father was an artist and taught her to paint. Her tutelage was taken over by another man who raped her. At the tender age of seventeen, she found the courage to accuse him of his crime. During his 9 month-long trial she was subjected to a public physical examination and her fingers were held in thumbscrews while she was repeatedly asked whether she was telling the truth.
All she could repeat was:
"It's true! It's true! It's true!"
Three hundred and fifty years later Artemisia's paintings are still mistaken for her male counterparts' work.